
Thursday, May 17, 2012

To much time on my hands?

Yesterday there was an article going from a guest blogger on IACP ( International Association of Culinary Professionals). It caused a lot of stir in the blogging community. You may ask why? Well she made cheap shots at Stay at home moms who do food blogging. She was saying that we had to much time on our hands and we were the dumbing down of the food industry.
Full article here: Opinion: Faking it

That hit close to home for me, as I am a stay at home mom. For starters I do not have a ton of time on my hands, where I sit and twiddle my thumbs. I take care of my 3 year old and my two year old. Both of them pretty active. I have to keep the house still standing, make sure we have a decent meal on the table. All while taking care of them.  I decided I would do  food blogging at the request of many of my friends who thought it'd be a good idea. I was already posting my daily menu's, and always had people asking me what my recipe was. I started it as a way to get my creative ideas out. I wanted to involve kids in the kitchen, I want to see family at the table.  I do not  get paid by big product companies (like Kraft etc). I do test EVERY recipe, unless I am just sharing a recipe that I think my viewers would like. However, if it is posted on this blog right here I have tested it. I have fed it to my kids. I do not just throw recipes on here hoping to try it sometime. I actually MAKE THEM. I choose normal recipes that every day people would enjoy, and can do on a tight budget.  If a recipe fails (I'm not perfect and some recipes just do not work out) I post why it failed. Perhaps what I would do to make it better next time.

I wonder if she has kids?? Obviously she does not, or else she would understand the life of a mom. She can devote hours, and hours on her food, pay tons of money to make everything look plastic  I mean perfect. I choose to show food that looks good, and edible.

To much time on my hands? I think not.  A lot of times I do not get a blog post done till early the next morning(when my kids are asleep), or late at night (when kids are asleep). Half the time my food gets cold as I'm busy getting my family's supper items. By the time I'm done cleaning up the house, doing dishes, its 9 PM or even 10 PM. I crash and the last thing on my mind is food. LOL I made a promise to myself that if my blog started to come before my family I would stop it. My family is my priority and food blogging is on the list below. I think that stay at home moms, even moms who work outside the home( A lot of mom bloggers work outside the home, and I give them credit for trying to carve out time) are not dumbing down the food industry but helping it out. We are the driving force that keeps these companies going.

I will not endorse a company that I do not use in my house and love. Why endorse something that you do not like? In my opinion that is faking it.  The IACP wrote an article explaining the guest blogger, and stating it wasn't necessarily their opinion. In my opinion they should of thought twice before publishing that guest post.

This is just some of my feelings on that article that was going around yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. I looked a little into this guest blogger and guess what? She's 8 months pregnant! Pretty soon she'll know what having "too much time on her hands" is!
