
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Be your own kind of person

After waking up with my kids, and wishing I could sleep in I mean get back to sleep some thoughts came to my mind.

This sorta has to do with food, but not really. Everyone has their own kind of cooking style. Every food blog, has their own way. That is what makes us unique....and what makes you the person you are.. I sometimes think that everyone tries to copycat everyone...Like a contest. What I like so much about food blogs is you run across TONS of food blogs, everyone doing things a different way. I like to see the diverse opinions on baking,cooking,measuring, flours and so on. I think its awesome the way that you can learn something, add it to your cooking knowledge, and then share your opinion. I enjoy the fact that we can make the same recipe, but add a twist then share it. Of course acknowledging the original person who created the recipe. I love the fact that we stand behind and support a fellow food blogger.

In all seriousness I think that every food blogger, need to stick with who they are. Take some information, leave some information and enjoy being who they are.

Just be your own kind of person :-)

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