* I was given this book to review. Opinions are my own. Company is not paying me to say these things*
Christmas is coming up and I have this great book that I think your kids would enjoy! It is called Alycat and the Thursday Dessert Day by Alysson Foti Bourque. My kids loved this book and they keep wanting to read it over and over again.
A blurb from the book:
"When Alycat’s daydreaming causes her to miss out on Dessert Day at school, she will need to rely on her imagination to satisfy her sweet tooth! With the help of her best friend Spotty, she discovers trying new things can lead to fun adventures and tasty inventions!
The Alycat series encourages readers to celebrate the joy, innocence, and fearlessness of being a kid, while learning a valuable lesson in the end. Alycat and the Thursday Dessert Day is the first book of the Alycat Series."
Author Info:
Alysson Foti Bourque is the award-winning author of the Rhyme or Reason Travel series, and the Alycat series. Alysson received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and a law degree from Southern University Law Center in Baton Rouge.
After practicing law for six years, Alysson traded in writing trial briefs for writing children’s books. When Alysson is not writing stories for her children, she takes pride in working in her garden, caring for her pets, serving her community, and volunteering at her children’s school. She believes there is an Alycat in all of us, encouraging our imaginations to guide us to new opportunities and adventures.
Alysson is a Mom’s Choice Awards Recipient for her book, Alycat and the Thursday Dessert Day!
Website: http://www.alyssonfotibourque.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlyssonFBourque
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alyssonfotibourque
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15100933.Alysson_Foti_Bourque